Pleasure vessel operator (HKD 160)
Local Vessel(coxswain)(HKD 240)
"Eyesight Test Certificate"
"SEAFARERS EYESIGHT TESTING" : eyesight test certificate:pleasure vessel operator / local vessel (coxswain)
At our center, we offer vision testing for seafarers and provide certificates for passing the eyesight test. This is necessary for obtaining or renewing a seafarer's license, as per regulations set by the Marine Department. The test includes checks for distant, intermediate, and near-distance vision acuity, as well as color vision. If you wear glasses while on a boat, please bring them for testing.
The "Eye Test Certificate" is valid for two years and can only be signed by a registered optometrist (Part I or Part II) or a registered medical practitioner. Our optometrists evaluate the vision of pleasure vessel operators based on the "Eyesight Test Certificate - Pleasure Vessel Operator" standards issued by the Marine Department. For local vessel (coxswain) operators, the seafarer will be tested and evaluated according to the vision standards set by the Marine Department in the "Eyesight Test Certificate - Local Vessel (Coxswain)."
Local vessel(coxswain)eyesight test certificate:
English Version:
Chinese version:
Pleasure vessel eyesight test certificate:
English Version:
Chinese Version:
1. Vision test (distant, intermediate, near)
The vessel operators and coxswains are required to have their distant vision, intermediate vision, and near vision (tested with both eyes) meet particular criteria, regardless of whether a sight glass is necessary.
2. Diplopia (double images) check
The assessment of the eyes' coordination, as well as any issues with ocular muscles such as crossed eyes, can be achieved through the examination of eye movement and Worth's 4 dots test.
3. Ishihara plates colour vision test
4. Visual field screening
5. Myopia control & Orthokeratology
our centre also provide myopic control and orthokeratology service to kids and teenagers on indication.
6. Progressive spectacle lenses + Multifocal contact lenses
We are well experienced in progressive spectacle lenses and multifocal contact lenses fitting for management of presbyopia.
7. Specialty contact lens services
In our center, we fit specialty contact lenses, such as rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses, hybrid lenses and scleral lenses.
8. Health Care Voucher
Our optometrists are appointed Health Care Service Providers of Health Care Voucher Scheme. Eligible Elderly may use Health Care Voucher for payment of eye examination and eyeglasses fee. For more information, you may contact us by telephone number 21530008 for eye examination booking., PhD Vision, Orthokeratology, keratoconus, myopia, rudy project, lindberg, eye exam, optometrist, goggles, scleral lens, hybrid lens, synergeyes, trifocal, progressive, multifocal, presbyopia, amblyopia 兒童矯視, 角膜矯形, 錐形角膜 圓錐角膜, 近視, 驗眼, 視光師, 博士, 眼罩, 鞏膜鏡, 混合鏡, 漸進鏡, 多焦點, 老花, 弱視, 眼鏡店售貨員招聘orthok orthok