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Prescription Rugby goggles 近視橄欖球護目鏡

World Rugby approved rugby goggles

Prescription Rugby goggles 近視橄欖球護目鏡


At 2019, in an effort to allow people who need to wear corrective lenses to do so safely while playing Rugby and to accommodate people with monocular vision or chronic eye conditions who wish to wear goggles while playing, the International Rugby Board has commissioned Raleri to develop specific “Rugby Goggles” to be submitted to a global testing (GLT) on worldwide fields.

World Rugby Trial Approved Rugby Goggles have been developed with a view to posing no additional risk to the wearer and other players and can count on high level specifications in terms of:

- Impact resistance;
- Anti-fogging;
- Huge field of vision;
- Safe unlocking in the Retention system.

The Rugby Goggles are designed to allow corrective lenses wearing. Corrective lenses are to be prescripted by a medic and installed by an optician in the provided "clip on" that mounts in the inner side of the goggles and installed by an optician in the provided "clip on" that mounts in the inner side of the goggles. 

Prescription adjustment for wrap lens by 



There are more and more curved wrap design eyewear frames in the market. There is a common symptom of the wearer regarding the adaptation to those wrap eyewear frames, such as fatigue, eyestrain and blur vision. In optics, it is due to the tilted manner the visual axis passing through the wrap lenses. That induces some image aberration called "oblique astigmatism". 

Traditionally, optometrist may suggest wearer to flatten the curve or wrap angle of the frames to minimize the impact of the aberration. However, that will cause negative influence on the appearance and protection of the original design of the eyewear.

In our center, we will use state of the art equipment to measure the tilting and wrap angle of the eyewear. The data will be send to optical laboratory for improve of the peripheral optical performance of the lenses. That will ensure wearer the greatest performance with the eyewear.

Prescription Rugby goggles 近視橄欖球護目鏡
Prescription Rugby goggles 近視橄欖球護目鏡
Prescription Rugby goggles 近視橄欖球護目鏡
Prescription Rugby goggles 近視橄欖球護目鏡
Prescription Rugby goggles 近視橄欖球護目鏡



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