Eyelet Junior is constructed to provide a solution for all kids.
The Eyelet Junior’s unique construction and innovative techniques allow the eyewear to stay ‘Stable on the Face’.
You never had to worry about eyewear sliding down the face anymore !
Eyeley Junior 是專為兒重設計的眼鏡方案。具專利構造設計,使眼鏡框"牢牢的穩定在臉上"。免除眼鏡下滑的煩惱。
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理想設計: 隱在臉上
- For the younger children, Eyelet Junior frames have a low-level bridge, in order to let the frame come over the eyebrow. Kids growing with adults, will be able to look up and always thought the lens
- 配合兒童的臉,EYElet Junior 鏡框特別把鼻托位置下調,提升框架的承托。因為小孩時常往上望成年人,所確保他們可透過鏡片觀察世界十分重要。
- Eyelet Junior frames are made from high-tensile strength stainless steel to enhance the flexibility of the frame : the frame always come back to its original shape. No more adjusting problem !
- Eyelet Junior框架由非常強韌的不銹鋼製造,免除變形調較的煩惱!
- The stainless steel at the frame-front ends are compressed and compacted by unique process to create a reliable and springy effect to maintain a good grip on the face
- 鏡框前圈的不銹鋼材料經過高壓處理和獨特的生產程序,做出穩固和強韌的效果,牢牢的環抱小孩的頭部。
- The construction of Eyelet Junior eliminates the use of screws and soldering, creating a safer eyewear for the Juniors !
- Eyelet Junior 的無螺絲、無焊接設計為兒童提供了一種額外的保護。