EnChroma glasses enable some people with red-green color weakness to see an expanded range of colors more vibrantly, clearly and distinctly. The glasses are not a cure for color blindness, do not deliver 100% color vision, and do not work for all types of colorblindness.
(enchroma cannot help people pass Ishihara test)
(enchroma 是不能助人通過 Ishihara 測試的)
Please come to try it and feel it.
There are 3 types of enchroma filters catering the need of different types of color problems.

Enchroma glasses can be helpful for some individuals with color vision deficiency, but their effectiveness depends on the type and severity of the color blindness. They do not “cure” color blindness or address the underlying issue permanently.
Enchroma specialty lenses enhance color contrast between red and green colors. It provides a colorful world to wearers.
Enchroma 色盲輔助眼鏡是否有用取決於色覺缺陷的類型和程度,但它並非對所有人都有效,也不能「治療」色盲或改善先天性色覺缺陷的基本問題。
How Enchroma glasses work
1. Filtering Technology
Enchroma glasses use special filters to reduce the overlap between red and green wavelengths, helping users distinguish colors that they might otherwise confuse.
2. Best for Mild to Moderate Deficiency
They are most effective for mild to moderate red-green color blindness (e.g., Deuteranomaly or Protanomaly) but are less effective or ineffective for individuals with severe deficiencies like Deuteranopia or Protanopia (complete absence of green or red cones).
Enchroma 眼鏡的作用原理
1. 濾光技術
EnChroma 眼鏡利用特殊濾光片來減少不同顏色光波之間的重疊,特別是在紅色與綠色之間。這使得色盲患者能夠區分某些通常難以分辨的顏色。
2. 針對輕度和中度色覺缺陷
EnChroma 眼鏡對輕度到中度的紅綠色盲(如Deuteranomaly 和 Protanomaly)效果較好,但對於完全缺乏紅或綠視錐細胞(如Deuteranopia 或 Protanopia)的患者,效果有限。

• When They Might Work:
• Improve color discrimination in specific lighting conditions, especially bright natural light.
• Enhance the perception of colors in daily life, such as distinguishing red flowers or green foliage.
• Limitations:
• Less effective in low-light conditions or artificial lighting.
• Ineffective for blue-yellow color blindness (Tritanopia) or total color blindness (Achromatopsia).
• Does not improve clinical test results, such as Ishihara plates.
1. Improved Color Experience: Some users report seeing more vibrant colors and improved contrast between red and green shades.
2. Non-invasive: No need for surgery or medication.
1. Results Vary: Not all individuals benefit from them, and some may find them underwhelming.
2. Limited Situations: Their effectiveness depends on good lighting and specific scenarios; they may not work well indoors or under poor lighting conditions.
• 可能有效的情況:
• 能幫助部分色盲患者在特定條件下(如良好的光線環境)看出更多顏色細節。
• 改善某些場景中的色彩對比,如自然景觀或藝術品。
• 效果有限或無效的情況:
• 在光線不足或光源質量低時,效果可能減弱。
• 對藍黃色盲(如 Tritanopia)和完全色盲(Achromatopsia)無效。
• 不能改變色盲患者在實驗室或臨床測試(如 Ishihara 測試)中的結果。
1. 改善生活體驗:某些患者報告說戴上 EnChroma 後,能看到比平時更多的色彩,尤其是鮮艷的紅色和綠色。
2. 非侵入性解決方案:無需手術或藥物。
1. 因人而異:不是所有色盲患者都能受益,可能有購買後失望的情況。
2. 場景限制:僅在特定光照條件下有效,並不適合所有環境(如室內或低光環境)。
